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This blog is a continuation of the ‘environmental crime: a brief introduction’ blog and is aimed at helping the reader understand the limitations of how environmental crime data in India is compile

Research on the correlation between climate change and mental health is a new but rapidly growing field.

The #SaveEnvironment and the #OnlyOneEarth buzz

Every now and again an article pops up telling us that the day is not far when humans will live on the Red Planet. This is not, the writers insist, something out of an Isaac Asimov book or the ramblings of a Star Trek fan.

The current energy market is becoming more and more entangled in energy transition with rising concern about climate change due to fossil fuel (coal, oil and gas) utilisation. The Energy Vision 2013 report by World Economic Forum.

The debate between ecology and development is never-ending and has spanned for centuries. For the development of any country, a slight compromise on the ecological front is an unwarranted side-effect. However, due consideration has to be given to determine the extent to which the ecological depletion of resources can be justified.

Climate injustice is a topic that has started gaining momentum in the recent past,  thanks to climate activists. But what exactly is climate injustice? In order to get a basic idea about what it actually means, we need to start analysing retrospectively. For instance, what is climate change, who causes it, who gets hurt by it and so on and so forth.

The world is moving at a progressive pace. In the past decade, India, in particular, has advanced leaps and bounds in the areas of science, industry and technology. It is considered as one of the world's fastest growing major economies.

Coal based power plants, which produce three-quarters of India's electricity, are among the most inefficient, water intensive and polluting in the world.