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Climate Change - The Swiss glacier loss


The amount of ice lost in the Swiss glaciers in the past two years is equivalent to what was lost over the entire three decades from 1960 to 1990. In these two years, the glaciers have lost nearly 10% of their total ice. #ClimateChange #ActNow 

climate change

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Efficient use of your Air Conditioners


Worried that you AC usage is raising your power bill? This poster provides simple tips to optimise your AC usage. These posters are free to download and distribute under creative commons license.

#Electricity #EnergyEfficiency 


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World Habitat Day 2023


Cities produce 70% of global carbon emissions, driven by transport, buildings, energy & waste. Collaboration among governments, organizations, communities, and businesses is vital to create eco-friendly urban areas for a sustainable future. #WorldHabitatDay #UrbanOctober 

climate change

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World Heart Day 2023


Our modern lifestyles (processed foods, little exercise) combined with our poor awareness of heart health explains much of the increase we are seeing in killer heart attacks. Processed foods contain excessive amounts of sodium, sugars and trans fats - each of these is a danger to your heart. Be kind to your heart by reducing your consumption of processed foods. We continue to ask for Front of Pack warning labels on processed foods that will help consumers make healthy food choice. #FoodLabelsSaveLives #WorldHeartDay

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Climate Change - Impact on tourism and travel industry


According to Study Finds Org, 70% of respondents are open to changing their travel duration due to #ClimateChange by 2060, with some considering adjusting their trip timing. This will significantly impact the tourism and travel industry in the decades to come.

climate change

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Sustainable Transport - Rise of EVs


Electric vehicles are excellent at lowering #AirPollution & #NoisePollution on the road. But have we considered what #EVs are capable of & what they are not? Learn more about EVs next week. Have you considered switching to an electric vehicle, & why? Comment below and let us know. #Ather #OLA #SustainableMobility

road safety

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World Car-Free Day 2023


Do you curse the #traffic when stuck in it? Are you disappointed with your expanding waistline? Are you feverishly tracking the rise of #fuel prices? Why not go car free & take back control over your time, your health & your travel costs? Today is #WorldCarFreeDay - plan to leave your car at home. Walking, riding your cycle or taking a bus can all be effective ways to get around, while save your health, your money (a monthly average of Rs. 4000 if you live in #Chennai!) & our planet.

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Climate Change - Increasing child marriages


As per Ohio State research, #ClimateChange contributes to a surge in child, early & forced marriages. Child marriage is often seen as a coping strategy to reduce economic vulnerability & food insecurity that a family in low and middle-income countries is facing because of a disaster.

climate change

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