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CCPA's guidelines on ‘Prevention of Misleading Advertisements and Endorsements for Misleading Advertisements, 2022’

The Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) on June 9th of 2022 issued guidelines aiming to further protect consumers from claims and promises from advertisements that are misleading, baseless, unjustified, unrealistic, false, etc.

Sustainable Transport - Public transport information


If #Chennai is to make a shift towards greater #publictransport use, ensuring useful & timely information is available in various modes (online & offline - signages, announcements, etc) & in various languages is crucial.  Updating information regularly is also important! How do you access public transport information?

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Road Safety - School Zones are Crash prone zones


7.4% of total road deaths in India occur near educational institutions. This can be effectively reduced by safe road designs prioritising students who walk and cycle to schools. Calling on TN government to design safer roads for children.

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Climate Change - Climate Change increases Heart Failures


 A 2020 The Lancet study found that 62% of deaths attributed to #ClimateChange were from cardiovascular disease. Hence there is a close link between climate change and cardiac health which is further substantiated by a paper  published in European Society of Cardiology #ActOnClimate #HeartHealthMatters

climate change

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Sustainable Transport - Free bus for women in Tamil Nadu


The TN government free bus scheme for women on all whiteboard buses left some women confused. Which buses were free? Sometimes, it's challenging to spot a whiteboard bus from afar. Recently all free buses for #women have been painted #pink to help set them apart. A great move!

#Chennai #OneCityForAll #MTC 

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Road Safety - Two wheelers are vulnerable


Every year our road crash statistics reinforce that 2-wheeler riders are more vulnerable to road fatalities & grievous injuries. It is critical to act immediately & enforce compliance with wearing #helmets among drivers & pillion riders.

#RoadSafety #RoadAccidents 

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International Day of Older Persons 2022


Road fatality rates among the elderly are twice that of the young. We need to acknowledge that the elderly also have the right to use roads safely & without fear. This #InternationalDayOfOlderPersons let us call for safer road environments that will serve the mobility needs of our senior citizens.

#RoadSafety #RoadAccidents #StreetsforTheElderly #StreetsForAll #SeniorCitizens

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Current News: Volume VII, Issue 9, September 2022


  • Energy Conservation Act (Part-2)
  • Understanding the different charges borne by an electricity consumer (Part 1)
  • State records highest solar power generation
  • Renewable Energy India Expo to bring Rs800 crore investment opportunity for biogas
  • South Korean firms to set up green energy hub in Australia
  • Consumer Focus - Electricity Ombudsman Order 
  • ECC Voice - Success story

Plus Publications/Regulations: