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Advantages of rooftop garden


You don’t need to be a keen gardener for this. Planting creepers and maintaining even a small rooftop garden will help to reduce indoor temperatures.

#TerraceGarden #Summer #HeatWave #Temperature #Garden #EnergyEfficiency


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Climate Change - Poor nutrition among Indians


According to a study by Columbia University, India would have 49.6 million new zinc-deficient persons and 38.2 million new protein-deficient persons, while 106.1 million children and 396 million women would be iron deficient by 2050 due to #ClimateChange #ClimateActionNow

climate change

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Sustainable Transport - Benefits of using Metro


How easy is it to get around Chennai city? Let's follow Mina's journey, to find out. Today, she lands in Chennai airport and takes the metro to her destination. With signages, maps and ticketing kiosks, is it easy? Difficult? You tell us!

#metro #sustainablemobility #urbanmobilityindia #Chennai #UrbanThinkers #onecityforall #worldurbanplanning #InclusiveCities #Accessibility #Chennai #metro #India #passengers #information #signage #publicspace #cmrl #chennaimetro

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Road Safety - Enforcement on speed limits


Speed limits need to be tightened and enforced. CAG's speed study in Chennai found 85% of vehicles exceeding the speed limit. Check our report to see how Chennai fares in managing its #speeding concerns!

#RoadSafety #RoadAccidents #StreetsforKids #SadakSurakshaJeevanRaksha #Responsibility #Driving #Transportation #SaferRoadsTamilNadu #SaferDrivers #ImplementMVAA

road safety

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Drought and Desertification Day 2022


As per an UN Report 'Drought in Numbers 2022', the effect of severe #Droughts has reduced #India’s gross domestic product by 5% in 20 years and two-thirds of the country suffered drought during 2020-2022. Urgent need for drought preparedness and resilience.

climate change

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Climate Change - Migration of People


As per The Centre for Science and Environment's 'State of India's Environment-2022' report, #India is the fourth-worst hit when it comes to #ClimateChange induced migration, with more than three million people forced to leave their homes in 2020-2021 making them more vulnerable to trafficking.  #ClimateActionNow

climate change

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Digital Finance Safety - ATM Safety


 Follow these  safety guidelines to ensure that you keep your personal details and money safe, while at the ATM. Above all, remember to never share your PIN with anyone. Sharing your PIN with even family members (for reasons such asking them to help you with your transaction) will void any compensation you might receive in case of fraud.

#Security #Privacy #DigitalPiracy #DigitalSafety #OnlineFraud #InternetSafety 

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An assessment of speeding concerns and their management in Chennai, Tamil Nadu

“Two wheelers and cars speed upto 75 kmph in major arterial stretches of Chennai city” says a study by CAG that highlights the concerns of speed management in the city through evidence based cases. The report also outlines priority areas to reduce speeding threats. Read to know more!

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Sustainable Transport - Paratransit around the world


Do you know that without matatus the capital of Kenya comes to standstill? It is the only major industry in Kenya that is entirely locally owned and controlled. It is said that modern Nairobi could not have taken shape without the invention of this colourful vehicle. In the 1950s, mini-buses started as illegal operations in Hong Kong. Recognising the travel needs and significance of paratransit, the HK Government began to issue licences to the mini-buses.

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Road Safety - Road Accidents in India 2020


2020 is memorable for lockdowns and you might think there would have been no road crashes then! Given that the daily average of road crashes and fatalities for 2019 were 1230 and 414, it is not much of a reduction in 2020! This underlines the need for immediate implementation of #MVAA2019 and continued focus on enforcement.

#RoadSafety #RoadAccidents #StreetsforKids #SadakSurakshaJeevanRaksha #Responsibility #Driving #Transportation #SaferRoadsTamilNadu #SaferDrivers #ImplementMVAA

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