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Survey questionnaire to assess teachers knowledge on climate change


The above questionnaire was used to assess teachers' knowledge of climate change before and after the deployment of the curriculum and to measure their changes in attitudes and behaviours related to environmental sustainability. Further, the questionnaire on teachers' reflections was documented at the end of every lesson to learn the effectiveness of the lesson plan and the challenges the teachers had to face in completing each unit.

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Survey questionnaire to assess students knowledge on climate change


The above questionnaire was used to assess students' knowledge of climate change before and after the deployment of the curriculum and to measure their changes in attitudes and behaviours related to environmental sustainability.

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Sustainable Transport - Safe environment for cyclists in summer


Even the most ardent cyclist is likely to think twice before attempting a journey in Chennai's summer heat. More people on private, motorised vehicles means more congestion, more exhaust fumes, and hotter roads. We need to break this vicious cycle - and a good place to begin is by firstly creating cycle paths and secondly, keeping these summer-ready. Qatar, known for its extremely hot climate, uses a shaded and mist-cooled cycle path to provide a safe and comfortable environment for cyclists. Chennai can be a trendsetter too!.

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Climate Change - Threat to coral reefs


Since February 2023, mass bleaching events have been documented in coral reefs across at least 54 countries & territories. This widespread phenomenon underscores the grave threat posed by rising sea temperatures to these vital ecosystems.


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லக்கி ஸ்டார்

டிஜிட்டல் பரிவர்த்தனைகளுக்கு மாறிப்போன நவீன உலகம் நம்மை பல நேரங்களில் நன்மைகளுக்கும்  சில நேரங்களில் சோதனைகளுக்கும்  உள்ளாக்குகிறது. இங்கே நமது லக்கி ஸ்டார் எப்படி பக்குவமாக தன்னை ஆபத்தில் இருந்து பாதுகாத்துக்கொண்டாள் என்று பாருங்கள.

கைல காசு வரல!

எப்போதாவது ATM ல் பணம் எடுக்கும் பொழுது உங்கள் பணம் வராமல் வெறும் பணம் எடுத்தது போல் செய்தி  மட்டும் வந்திருக்கிறதா?  பயப்படாதீர்கள் இது உங்களுக்கான காணொளி

Someone's watching you!

A reminder that digital financial transactions on public computers (like in an internet cafe), or when signed into a public network must be avoided at all times. Important security details can be stolen from you, putting you and your assets at risk. 

Too good to be true?

If it's too good to be true, it probably is! Don't fall for messages offering you rewards, prizes or free holidays. These are phishing messages with the intention of stealing from you. Don't be tempted to click on them.