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CAG's study reveals low helmet compliance among children and adults in Tamil Nadu

A study by Citizen Consumer and Civic Action Group (CAG) reveals alarmingly low helmet compliance among children and adults in Tamil Nadu, with only 1 in 4 adult motorists wearing helmets. The report highlights the need for stricter enforcement and better helmet accessibility to reduce road fatalities.

CAG released an environmental law enforcement manual to strengthen crime prosecution

CAG's Environmental Law Enforcement Manual to Facilitate Investigation of Environmental Crimes was released on the 27th December 2024. The manual highlights the importance of viewing environmental violations as serious criminal acts, with the manual having the potential to strengthen law enforcement, prosecute environmental crimes and enhance collaboration.

Health concerns mount as North Chennai residents oppose Kodungaiyur waste-to-energy plant

Residents of North Chennai are raising alarms over the new Waste-to-Energy plant at Kodungaiyur, fearing health risks from emissions and poor waste processing. A 2019 study by CAG shows alarming health issues nearby, urging a re-evaluation of the project. #Chennai #WasteToEnergy #Pollution #CAG #Kodungaiyur  

Taking health into consideration, is garbage incineration the way forward to tackle waste?

An article in The Hindu highlighting why the Tamil Nadu government's proposal to build a Waste-to-Energy (WTE) plant in Chennai raises serious health and climate concerns.  Despite the city's ambitious climate action plan, burning garbage will only worsen air quality, reduce Tamil Nadu's health outcomes and substantially increase carbon emissions.


Three out of every four kids don't wear helmets, survey finds

An article based on a survey by CAG which found that even though 88% of parents know that helmets save lives, 75% haven't purchased appropriate helmets for their children. The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act of 2019 mandates helmets for all children aged 4 and over, and the Central Motor Vehicles (Second Amendment) Rules, 2022 mandates crash helmets or bicycle helmets for children aged between 9 months and 4 years.