Our work on transportation responds to these gaps in data and planning, and is organised into two broad themes that together support our advocacy for pro-poor mobility. We study governance processes, institutional structures, and spatial distribution of transport services, to create research and data that increases the understanding of transport services and can inform individual and collective decision making about transit.
All door-to-door journeys inevitably include more than one mode of transport and there are several modes to choose from. Despite the variety in public and private transport services and providers, there is scarce information about the governance of the sector. Similarly there is little information available that can help commuters make different travel choices and how to integrate different modes to ensure their travel is comfortable, convenient, safe and seamless. Planners also lack information that could help identify areas and sections of the populations that are not served by public transportation. Together these factors result in unsafe roads and unsustainable transportation practices, with a heavy dependence on private transportation, adding to the economic, social and ecological burden. Through research and data-driven advocacy, we support the demand for sustainable transport policies and services.
Adequate and good public transport is essential in order to reduce traffic congestions and vehicular emissions. It is also important because low income populations are affected most by inadequate mobility options, vehicular emissions and poor road safety. The primary objective of this work area is to encourage the provision of comfortable, safe, affordable and seamless public transit services, especially for the urban poor, and to encourage the shift from private to public transport. We create data on informal transport services with the aim to integrate it with that on formal transport. We also support advocacy for non-motorised forms of transport, such as cycling.
Poor road safety is the result of poor infrastructure and road behaviour, and vulnerable road users are disproportionately affected. Planning favours vehicles and our streets place fast moving vehicles together with pedestrians and cyclists, creating the perfect recipe for vehicle-pedestrian conflicts and unsafe conditions for all. Poor construction quality and negligible maintenance are additional factors that adversely affect road safety. The primary objective in this area of work is to improve available data on road infrastructure and related public procurement processes in order to improve transparency and accountability of infrastructure and public spending. We also create methodologies by which citizens can contribute to monitoring of roads and footpaths, to increase public oversight.