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CAG, in association with some CSOs in Tamil Nadu, is working on a project “Accelerating Clean Energy Transition By Improving Stakeholder Participation For Electricity Governance In India”. The project is designed to facilitate consumer and civil…
CAG, in association with the CSOs in Telangana, are working on a project “Accelerating Clean Energy Transition By Improving Stakeholder Participation For Electricity Governance In India”. The project is designed to facilitate consumer and civil…
On June 15th, 2024, the Citizen consumer and civic Action Group (CAG) in partnership with the Consumers Protection Association (CPA) Agartala, hosted a Capacity Building Workshop on Clean Energy Transition and Electricity Governance in Agartala.…
CAG in association with the Consumer Rights, Education and Awareness Trust (CREAT) is working on a project “Accelerating Clean Energy Transition By Improving Stakeholder Participation For Electricity Governance In India” in Karnataka. …
CAG in association with the Consumer Rights Movement working on a project “Accelerating Clean Energy Transition By Improving Stakeholder Participation For Electricity Governance In India” in Tamil Nadu. The project is designed to…
CAG in association with the Consumer Protection Association, Agartala is working on a project “Accelerating Clean Energy Transition By Improving Stakeholder Participation For Electricity Governance In India” in Tripura. The project aims to…
CAG in association with the Anmol Foundation is working on a project “Accelerating Clean Energy Transition By Improving Stakeholder Participation For Electricity Governance In India” in Chhattisgarh. The project is designed to facilitate…
Citizen consumer and civic Action Group (CAG), in association with Consumer Rights, Education and Awareness Trust (CREAT) and BMS College of Law, organised an energy efficiency and conservation seminar for law students, Civil Society Organisations (…
The need for climate action becomes urgent with every passing second we go on about business as usual. It is high time we rethink and reshape the way we produce and consume in this day and age. CAG organised a Multistakeholder Forum on Sustainable…
Citizen consumer and civic Action Group (CAG), in collaboration with Anmol Foundation organised a seminar discussing electricity issues of consumers in Chhattisgarh. The meeting was held on 18th April 2024 at Hotel Kingsway Raipur, Raipur.…