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Here are the various payment methods that you can opt for while paying your bimonthly electricity bill.
A quick reference guide to make your electricity bill payment via TANGEDCO's online account and mobile application.
This pamphlet outlines the various steps involved in determining electricity tariff in Tamil Nadu.
This booklet presents the three tiers of consumer grievance redressal mechanism and provides the relevant points of contact that consumers can reach out to in case of electricity grievances.
This workbook illustrates how household consumers are charged for their electricity consumption and how this differs across various tariff slab rates.
The vision for the Zero Waste City Initiative is to minimise the movement of solid waste to disposal sites or facilities. This manual presents a practicable plan for municipalities to process waste in-situ and within wards, aggregate…
A series of posters on the cost of our plastic waste. Learn the basics of waste management and how you can be a part of effective solutions.
You know it already. Plastics are everywhere! A series of posters to help you understand how this ubiquitous material has conquered our homes.
Want to live sustainably, but don't know where to start? This series of posters will help you take baby steps towards Ground Zero Waste!