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Capacity Building Programme on Electricity Governance on 19/08/2017

Capacity building programme of Electricity Consumer Cell (ECC) Tirunelveli was held on August 19, 2017 at Little Flower Middle School, Kodeswaran Nagar, Tirunelveli Town.

Mr. Venkatachalam, Tirunelveli ECC and Tirunelveli Consumer Protection Association, welcomed the participants and spoke about the work of the ECC and how it is helping consumers in their everyday electricity issues.

The Chief Guest, Mr. Damodharan, Executive Engineer - TANGEDCO Tirunelveli, gave an overview of the Electricity Act 2003, Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF), Distribution Standards of Performance and dealt with specific issues that consumers are facing.

Mr. Selvaraj - President of Madras Metropolitan Consumer Rights Protection Centre (MMCRPC) spoke about the rights of consumers.

Electricity expert, Mr. Shanmugam (ECC - Tirunelveli) gave a presentation on the importance of solar energy.

Mr. C. Manivannan from Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), a joint venture company set up under the Ministry of Power, gave an in-depth presentation on EESL's work, advantage of using LED bulbs, and also showed a demo for LED bulbs and tube-lights.

Several participants asked questions to Mr. Damodharan and other speakers regarding the electricity sector and highlighted various issues such as theft of electricity, conversion of residential to commercial connections. One participant requested to start an ECC Contact Centre in their area.

Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) brought their products from Chennai and sold LED bulbs and Tube lights to the participants. Around 250 bulbs and 20 Tube lights were sold to the participants.

Distribution of ECC Booklet:

The ECC Booklets, prepared by CAG, were released and distributed to all the participants of the capacity building programme. Each folder contains six booklet covering various topics like procedure for obtaining a new connection, change in connection, electricity billing, grievance redress, etc., so as to benefit electricity consumers.

The downloadable links to the ECC booklet are given below

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