Electricity Consumer Cell (ECC), Tirunelveli, organised a capacity building programme on “Energy efficiency, renewable energy, and passive building concepts” at Sri Yoga Saibaba Kovil Campus, Ismail Nagar, Tirunelveli, on February 18, 2019. The purpose of the event was to impart knowledge and create awareness on the above topics to consumers. Consumers from the domestic and commercial categories participated in the event.
Mr. Venkatachalam, President, Tirunelveli Maavata Nugarvor Urimai Paadhukaapu Sangam (TMNUPS) welcomed all the participants. He explained the features of ECC and how it is functioning as a bridge between Tamilnadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Ltd. (TANGEDCO) and consumers.
Mrs. S. Ratna Veni, Assistant Engineer, TANGEDCO spoke about TANGEDCO’s provisions for redressing consumer grievances. Mr. S.Shanmugam, Advisor ECC, explained about consumers’ responsibilities in conserving energy, power theft and the need to follow the rules.
Mr. Jeya Kumar R, Researcher, CAG, gave a detailed presentation on energy efficiency, renewable energy and passive building concepts. He explained concepts of energy conservation and energy efficiency at the household level, which included standards for electrical materials and other supportive modules, and star labelling for electronic appliances. He described passive building concepts such as natural lighting and ventilation, green coverage, and selection of construction materials which should be considered during the planning and construction of buildings. Further, he provided recommendations for the installation of appliances and advised the participants on how to use them efficiently. He also explained about renewable energy such as solar energy, wind energy, hydropower, tidal energy, geothermal energy and biomass energy and spoke about the advantages of solar energy.
Mr. I. Anto Jeyarajan, an official from a private solar firm, gave a presentation on rooftop solar connections and net metering. He also presented details about various buildings which installed rooftop solar in and around Tirunelveli.
Mr. S. Muthusamy, the coordinator, concluded the session with a vote of thanks.