For several years, Tamil Nadu has been faring poorly in road safety, leading other states in fatalities and road crashes or coming close to. However, the data on this is not readily available to the public. The only sources of information are the yearly reports by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) and the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). These, of course, give only a broad state-level view. So, in 2017, CAG filed RTI (Right to Information) petitions to get district-wise data on crashes, deaths, injuries by road user group for the years 2011 to 2016; information on road safety funds and their usage; and on enforcement of road rules with regards to wearing helmets and seatbelts, drunk driving, and speeding. CAG received partial information from 23 districts, while 9 districts did not respond at all. We received no data from Madurai. However, we intend to follow this up with future RTI's and the information on this page will be updated as we obtain new information.