- Assessing TANGEDCO’s Compliance to Distribution Standards of Performance (DSOP): An Analysis of RTI Data for the Year 2016 (Part -2)
- Internet of Things (IoT) (Part - 2)
- Tangedco makes completion certificates compulsory for power connections
- India to have 60% renewable energy by 2030: Power minister RK Singh
- Consumer Focus - Electricity Ombudsman Order
- Germany installs 591MW onshore wind in 1H 2020
- ECC Voice - Success story
Plus Publications/Regulations:
- Benchmark costs for Grid-connected Rooftop Solar Photo-voltaic systems for the financial year 2020-21, MNRE
- Guidelines for Implementation of Off-grid Solar Power Packs/Plants in RESCO Mode, MNRE
- Renewable Energy Statistics 2020, IRENA
And also includes the latest regulations and links to interesting events/videos/educational tools and analysis.
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