- Assessing TANGEDCO’s Compliance to Distribution Standards of Performance (DSOP): An Analysis of RTI Data for the Year 2016 (Part - 12)
- Tangedco lets self-billing by low-tension consumers
- India's power consumption up nearly 19% in first fortnight of May from last year
- Dubai launches region’s ‘first industrial scale’ green hydrogen plant
- Consumer Focus - Electricity Ombudsman Order
- ECC Voice - Success story
Plus Publications/Regulations:
- Amendment on Implementation of CPSU Scheme Phase-II (Government Producer Scheme) for setting up grid-connected Solar Power Projects, MNRE, 2021.
- Renewable energy and electricity interconnections for a sustainable NorthEast Asia, IRENA, 2021
- Renewable Energy Policies for Cities: Buildings, IRENA, 2021
Work area