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Aakaanksha Tiwari

Tamil Nadu: Lockdown Test

CAG wrote to the Minister for Social Welfare, GoTN highlighting the need to ensure food under the Mid Day Meal Scheme continues to reach underpriveliged children even though schools are not functioning in person. Otherwise, considering the impact of the pandemic on livelihoods, children may be pressed to work for daily wages and this will have a huge impact on their education even after schools resume full functioning.

#Lockdown #TamilNadu #COVIDSecondWave #Pandemic #Poverty #JobLoss #StayHome #StaySafe



The emergence of Environmental Impact Assessment in India

Ancient India had few environmental regulations that can be read in Kautilya’s ‘Arthashastra’ and on the fifth pillar edict of Emperor Ashoka. In the era before Indian independence in 1947, though there were no laws, there were cultural boundaries and respect for nature in the hearts of people of all ages and gender. 

Declining Efficiency of Mettur Thermal Power Station: Reasons, Risks and Remedies?

This report is a brief analysis of the actual conditions and impacts of coal and water utilisation in Mettur Thermal Power Plant for three consecutive years between 2015 and 2018 in line with the state and national statutes.

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