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Consumer Protection- Labelling


Both silk and handloom textiles are reflective of India's long and intricate relationship with weavers - a legacy steeped in tradition and culture. Therefore consumers need certainty that their purchase is genuine, and that it supports genuine producers. The silk mark, and handloom mark are two quality assurance symbols that you can use to ascertain this.

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Helmet Study


A recent CAG study across 11 districts in Tamil Nadu revealed that helmet compliance among children is alarmingly low, even dropping to 0% in some districts. When adults ignore the life-saving importance of helmets, they fail to prioritize safety for their children too. Let’s break this cycle - wear a helmet, and make sure your child does too. 

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Consumer Protection- Labelling

Organic foods in India are certified based on the presence of contaminants, microbes, soil fertility, soil nutrient management etc. including criteria for additives and processing aids. There are different certifying systems that can carry different logos. Be familiar with these symbols so you can make informed food choices.

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World Cancer Day 2025


Depending on the type of processing, foods can lose important nutrients such as vitamins, fibres, anti-oxidants and natural enzymes. This is apart from the risk of high levels of fats, sugar and salt - all of which are non-nutritive at the high levels contained in processed foods. Bear this in mind when you make your food choices.

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Multimodal integration


Multimodal integration can enhance Chennai's transport network, having significant benefits for both commuters and service providers. Combining various transport services with the support of the Chennai Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority (CUMTA), can offer users a more convenient and efficient system, making public transport more accessible and convenient. How do you think we can improve our current public transport network?

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Star labels- Energy Efficiency


The BEE label offers key information on appliances that can help you make smart choices. 
#energy #power #electric #renewableenergy #solar #electronics #solarenergy #cleanenergy #technology #solarpower #solarpanels #greenenergy #energyefficiency #BEE #circulareconomy 

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