Electricity Consumer Cells (ECCs) have conducted ten outreach meetings at different locations in the month of February. Participants from different consumer categories such as commercial, agricultural, and domestic attended the meetings
Samudhaya Kudam, Subash Chandra Bose Street, Mela Karunkulam, (Near Melapalayam), Tirunelveli – 627002 on February 18, 2020
Deepam Magalir Kootamaipu Training Institute, #52, Mounaguru St, Vallimalai Road, Chenkottai, Katpadi- 633 007 on February 22, 2020
Rotary Hall, Sankagiri, Salem District on February 24, 2020
Vadapuzhthiyur village, Naidumangalam P.O., Kalasapakkam Taluk, Tiruvannamalai District on February 24, 2020
Panchayat Office meeting hall, C.Mutlur, Parangipettai Union, Chidambaram Taluk, Cuddalore District on February 25, 2020
Samuthaya kudam, Kulumani panchayat, Trichy District on February 25, 2020
Enthal village & P.O., Tiruvannamalai Taluk & District on February 28, 2020
Village Panchayat Office Compound, Near Panchayat School, Koothampakkam - 632 505 on February 29, 2020
Kollakudi High School, Kollakudi Village, Trichy District on February 29,2020
Thangal Park, Chittu Oragadam, Ambattur on February 29, 2020
Presentation by ECC representatives
ECC coordinators explained the importance of conducting outreach meetings which are to discuss electricity-related issues and create awareness on energy conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy.
Image 1: Mr. Selvaraj, Chairman, FEDCOT India, explaining about the outreach meeting objectives
ECC advisors described the functions and role of the ECCs in their respective districts. They explained the nature of complaints registered with ECC and its redressal mechanism. ECC Advisors said that they work closely with the Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) in resolving the complaints. Further, they also mentioned that some complaints were registered on the grievance day meeting, which required the attention of the higher officials. At the end of the presentation, ECC advisors answered questions from participants on name transfer, billing problems, difference between the analog meter, and Digital meter, irregular meter assessment by the assessor.
Image 2: Mr. Venkatachalam, President, Tirunelveli District Consumer Rights Protection Sangam addressing the participants
Presentation by ECC Engineers
CAG representatives gave a detailed explanation about energy conservation and energy efficiency practices that can be followed at the household level. The presentation helped the participants understand the importance of saving energy through behavioural practices. Further, they demonstrated the working of solar energy with the help of a demonstration kit, which had a 20 Watt solar panel, a 12 Volt - 7 Ampere hour battery, a charge controller and a 2 Watt LED bulb. At the end of the presentation, participants were able to get clarity on the difference between the power consumption of a normal bulb and an LED bulb.
Image 3: Ms. Prithiv Raj, ECC Engineer, explaining about energy efficiency and energy conservation
Presentation by Solar Developers
Solar developers from Tiruvannamalai, Cuddalore, Vellore, Trichy, and Salem participated in the outreach meetings. They explained the importance of solar energy and its advantages. Further, they explained the procedure for installing rooftop solar systems. Also, they differentiated the net-metering and net feed-in mechanisms with an example. At the end of the session, the developers clarified questions raised by the participants on lifetime of the plant, pay-back period, etc.
Representative from TANGEDCO:
Mr.K.Karthikeyan, Assistant Engineer, TNEB, Salem district, encouraged the work of ECC and he also requested the village people to bring their grievances to him for immediate actions.
Image 6: M.K.Karthikeyan, Assistant Engineer, TNEB, Salem district, addressing the participants
Major issues raised and complaints registered through the Outreach meetings
Ms.A from Melakarunkulam village enquired about the procedure for name transfer of the existing connection. Mr.S.Shanmugam, Advisor, ECC Tirunelveli, advised her to submit Indemnity Bond of Rs.80/- along with the xerox copy of the sale deed in her favour for the said premises enclosed along with the FORM-1(Regulation 5(7)) to the Junior Engineer.
Mr.B from Kulumani village registered a complaint with ECC Trichy on a meter related problem. Mr. Selvam, Advisor, ECC Trichy, recommended that Mr.B submit a complaint to the Assistant Engineer about this issue also to submit a copy of the complaint to ECC Trichy.
Mr.C from Kulumani village complained about the damaged pole near her house. Mr.Selvam, Advisor, ECC Trichy, advised him to file a complaint to the TANGEDCO WhatsApp numbers with the picture of it.
Mr.D from Sankagiri village complained that his meter has been damaged as informed by the assessor while taking the meter reading. The average consumption units were entered in the white meter card as the current consumption charges for two billing cycles. Mr. Jayaraman, Advisor, ECC Salem, advised Mr.D to submit a written complaint to the section office.
Mr. E from Senguttai village, Vellore district, complained about voltage fluctuations during the night. Mr.Balaraman, Advisor, ECC Vellore, advised the complainant to register with Assistant Engineer, Rural North Arakkonam for the speedy rectification.
Mr. F from Enthal village, Tiruvannamalai district, registered a complaint for the replacement of the broken RCC pole near a school. Mr. Anandan, Advisor, ECC Tiruvannamalai, to register the complaint with the Assistant Engineer /O&M/Patchel to replace the broken pole.
Mr. G, Vada Puzhuthiyur, Tiruvannamalai district, registered a complaint on delay in effecting the service connection for his house. The complainant had submitted the required documents a month ago to the Junior Engineer/North Poondi with his application. Mr.Anandan, Advisor, ECC Tiruvannamalai, informed Mr.G that ECC will approach the Junior Engineer for speedy resolution.