Consumer Update (May - June 2020)
Consumer Update, a bi-monthly e-newsletter, is aimed at educating and informing consumers on consumer issues and related happenings, including CAG's activities.
Coal vs Groundwater
Do you know that coal based power comes at great cost? These power plants are fast depleting our underground water resources. #SayNoToCoalMines. Lets conserve our water for better things.
Consultation: Strengthening Road Safety in Tamil Nadu
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Microplastics findings in Kodungaiyur
A study that analysed water samples from around the Kodungaiyur dumpyard seeking to answer the question of how much microplastics have leached into the neighbourhood water sources.
Mobility, Covid19, & future of non-motorised transport - Chennai
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Planning Disaster Resilience for Communities Living Around Coastal Thermal Power Stations in Tamil Nadu
Coal is the single biggest contributor to anthropogenic climate change and impacts of climate change are likely to increase the frequency of the hazards that coastal areas already face. To reduce or avoid, potential losses from hazards, assure prompt and appropriate assistance to victims of disaster a disaster management plan (DMP) is framed. Are these plans inclusive? Are they being effective? This survey-based report presents the perception & knowledge of locals & experts on coastal based disaster management plans (DMP) & suggestions to frame ideal DMP.
Current News: Volume V, Issue 5, May 2020
Consumer guide to grid-connected rooftop solar - Part 12
Electric Vehicles - Part 10
Tamil Nadu: Peak power demand crosses 13,400MW as mercury rises
Government announces cheaper solar power for household
Consumer Focus - Electricity Ombudsman Order
U.S. renewable fuel use tops coal for first time since firewood reigned 130 years ago - EIA
ECC Voice - Success story