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Voices from the last mile- personal narratives of people living with hypertension in Tiruvannamalai


Hypertension is often referred to as the 'silent killer' because it lacks noticeable symptoms. Even the rural population, primarily daily wage laborers who engage in significant physical activity, were taken aback during hypertension screening when they discovered they had high blood pressure. This serves as a timely reminder that hypertension doesn't discriminate. Check your blood pressure levels regularly. #BeatThePressure

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Voices from the last mile- personal narratives of people living with hypertension in Tiruvannamalai


Patients receive their hypertensive medications for three months following regular non-communicable diseases health check ups under the GoTN's flagship program 'Makkalai Thedi Maruthuvam'. Notably, these drugs are delivered to their doorstep by Women Health Volunteers. #BeatThePressure

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Personal narratives of people living with hypertension in Tiruvannamalai


In Tiruvannamalai district, 17 primary health centres were surveyed across three blocks. We surveyed to understand patient perspectives on hypertension care. Low income laborers formed a significant portion of the respondents, with many expressing high satisfaction with the functioning of their local government healthcare facilities. The government's policy of offering free assessment and medication is especially beneficial for low-income communities.

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High Blood Pressure - easy to control, dangerous to ignore


Sedentary lifestyles have come to define our modern lives. With our cities becoming increasingly fit only for motorised vehicles, getting movement and activity into our daily lives is becoming a challenge. We need to actively plan to get our minimum dose of exercise to keep our heart healthy. Reduce long periods of sitting by moving or standing regularly. Small changes, like taking the stairs, or walking to your local shop can significantly support healthy blood pressure and overall wellness.

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Voices from the last mile- personal narratives of people living with hypertension in Tiruvannamalai


In documenting the voices of hypertensive patients from our pilot study in Tiruvannamalai district, we found an overwhelming number of respondents to be satisfied with their hypertension healthcare services provided through PHCs and the Makkalai Thedi Maruthuvam scheme. These services  are certainly improving access to healthcare, particularly among the lower sections of the rural community. However, aspects of the programme still need improvement. Read our report to know more. 


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Effects of High BP- primary hypertension among kids


Even children are not free of the risk of primary hypertension. Also known as essential hypertension, this increase in blood pressure is without any identifiable medical cause. A healthy diet, and exercise along with medication is effective in treating the condition. #BeatThePressure 


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Effects of High BP - Kidneys


Kidneys need healthy blood vessels to do their important work of filtering extra fluid and waste from the blood. High blood pressure can damage the blood vessels in and leading to the kidneys. In fact,  high blood pressure is one of the leading causes of kidney failure. Keeping your blood pressure at the correct level is easy - fixing a failed kidney is not. #BeatThePressure


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Effects of High BP - Affects your Brain



Just like high blood pressure damages blood vessels in other parts of your body, arteries in your brain can also be impacted by this. If parts of the brain can’t get the oxygen they need from the circulating blood, cells begin to die. All this from a condition that is easy to diagnose, and fix! Why let it come to that? #BeatThePressure


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Effects of High BP - Obesity


High blood pressure raises the risk of a condition called 'metabolic syndrome'. This syndrome is a cluster of health conditions that can lead to heart disease, stroke and diabetes. High blood pressure has no symptoms, until you begin to experience complications. Why leave it to chance when it is so easy to #KnowYourNumbers and #BeatThePressure


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