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High Blood Pressure - easy to control, dangerous to ignore

Hypertension is a condition where the pressure in the blood vessels becomes too high. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), around 1.28 billion adults, world-wide, have hypertension. Several studies point to a significant increase in the incidence of hypertension in children, which is all the more concerning.  

World Hypertension Day 2024

Early detection and effective management of hypertension are crucial for preventing heart disease, stroke, and kidney damage. Dr. Arunachalam talks about keeping your salt intake down, your exercise levels up, and your blood pressure levels checked consistently. Measure your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer. #WorldHypertensionDay #BeatThePressure

Ask Your Doctor - Hypertension is called the silent killer


It is recommended that screening for hypertension commence at 18. Our modern lifestyles, and Indian predisposition to hypertension means that seemingly fit, young people are also carrying the burden of hypertension. Don't wait for symptoms to appear. Hypertension is called the 'silent killer' for that very reason - there might be no symptoms. #BeatThePressure


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Ask Your Doctor - Address your hypertension risk factors


Are you at risk of hypertension? Address your risk factors - this will be your first step of intervention, even if you have been recommended medication. The next step will be to comply with all medical advice. Hypertension is the leading cause of cardiovascular conditions. Don't become a statistic. #BeatThePressure


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Ask Your Doctor - Check your blood pressure accurately


Checking your blood pressure is simple enough to do regularly. Just bear these points in mind to make sure your readings are accurate. Evidence shows that checking your readings periodically at home in addition to checks at a clinic help keep your blood pressure levels better. #BeatThePressure


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World Kidney Day 2024

#Diabetes and #Hypertension are major threats to the health of your kidneys, with excessive salt consumption being the primary culprit. It is therefore crucial for consumers to be aware of high levels of fat, salt, and sugar in ultra-processed foods. Clear front-of-pack #WarninLabels can aid in this awareness. On this #WorldKidneyDay, Dr. Arunachalam emphasizes the importance of warning labels on processed foods and patient education on #kidney health. #FoodLabelsSaveLives