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road safety data Chennai

Putting the brakes on speed limit enforcement

Recently, the Greater Chennai Traffic Police (GCTP) announced they were in the process of introducing several technological upgrades, including the installation of cameras with ANPR (automatic number plate recognition) and speed detection systems. Such automated systems are common across the world but have just started coming into the picture in India. 

Road Safety - Chennai's Intelligent Speed management system


The use of intelligent speed management systems in the stretches of ECR, Chennai has helped reduce speeding concerns. This should be scaled across the city to improve enforcement. 

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Road Safety - Chennai's speeding concerns


Speeding is a dangerous road behaviour. The study by CAG on speeding concerns in Chennai also highlights the alarming difference between the free speed and posted speed limits for various vehicles.

#StreetsForLife #SpeedingKills #RoadSafety #SafeRoadsTamilNadu #ImplementMVAA

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Road safety data for Chennai obtained through RTIs

For several years, Tamil Nadu has been faring poorly in road safety, leading other states in fatalities and road crashes or coming close to. However, the data on this is not readily available to the public. The only sources of information are the yearly reports by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) and the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). These, of course, give only a broad state-level view.

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