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road safety

Road Safety - Indian roads speed limits


India's current national speed limits exceed global standards. While states have the authority to adjust limits, WHO categorises India among countries with inadequate speed regulations. Let's revisit and establish safer speed limits for enhanced road safety. 


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Road Safety - NHAI helpline for vehicle breakdown


Never let a roadside emergency ruin your vacation. Contact the National Highway helpline at 1033 for any roadside assistance or to report a road crash on the national highway. Ensure your vehicle insurance covers roadside assistance and keep their contact number accessible. Stay protected and keep your travel worry-free!


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Road Safety - Tips for long drives


Do you have any road trips planned for the summer? Long drives can be exhausting! Combat driver fatigue by taking frequent breaks, sharing driving duties with a co-pilot, and prioritize quality sleep before heading out. In addition, don't forget to schedule a maintenance check for your car to ensure everything is running smoothly and safely. A little prep goes a long way in preventing unexpected breakdowns and delays. Your car deserves some pampering too!

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Road Safety - Prioritise children helmet


Will your child be travelling to school on a bike or scooter? She must have a helmet. Even if her school is only a 10-minute ride away. Prioritising your child's safety is the best start to the new school year. School uniforms ✅ Books ✅ Helmet ✅


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Road Safety - Look for ISI helmets


If you're unsure about which helmet brand to choose, any brand will suffice as long as it carries the ISI mark to guarantee your child's safety. Even if a helmet manufactured abroad has a stricter criteria than is allowed by Indian regulations, if it doesn't have an ISI mark, it is not permissible for sale in India.


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Road Safety - Safe options for children helmets


A poorly fitting helmet is an ineffective device. BIS standard helmets are currently not available in the entire gamut of sizes that might be needed by toddlers. The latest amendment to the Central Motor Vehicles (Second Amendment) Rules 2022, suggests bicycle helmets that comply with American and European standards as a second option. While these standards may offer alternative sizing options, it is important to be aware that there is limited crash data available on the safety and effectiveness of these bicycle helmets.

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Road Safety - Helmets must for Children


The latest amendment to the Central Motor Vehicles (Second Amendment) Rules 2022, mandates that even children as young as 9 months must be in helmets. Very young children travelling on motorbikes is a difficult problem to address as typically this is considered unsafe. However, this needs to be weighed alongside the fact that two wheeler travel is how much of India gets around. It's important that parents get to know the new rules, and engage with these. These are an important first step in the right direction.

#ChildSafety #RoadSafety #RoadAccidents 

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Road Safety - Accidents are preventable


Keeping young people safe on our roads, and keeping our roads safe for our young people is our responsibility. Our role as parents, mentors and guides is crucial to this. Safe driving habits above all, begin with watching parents drive safely and courteously. Don't let them down.


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Road Safety - Young drivers lack experience


Young drivers lack experience and are also more likely to take risks when they are with their friends. Young people can respond to peer pressure because of their need for social recognition, and studies show that this can significantly increase the risks they are willing to take. Parents, until convinced that your child is a safe driver, accompany him on as many journeys as possible.

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