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International Day for Older Persons 2021


This International Day for Older Persons, let's all pledge to encourage road safety by becoming more aware and sensitive towards the physically vulnerable elderly road users. As a first step, please sign the petition to support safe speed limits in cities of Tamil Nadu. Link:

#RoadSafety #SafeRoadsIndia

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Press Release: World Heart Day 2021


To reiterate the need for awareness on heart health and to establish a wide connection between the benefits of front of pack labelling with respect to health, Citizen consumer and civic Action Group (CAG), in association with

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Indoor Air Pollution - Chlorine in bathing water


Did you know? #Chlorine mixed in bathing water is not good for health. Using appropriate filters, taking shorter showers, avoiding hot showers & shutting the water off while soaping can help a great deal. #AirPollution #RightToCleanAir #KnowYourAir 

Air Quality

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Current News: Volume VI, Issue 8, August 2021


  • Hydrogen as a fuel (Part-1)
  • Green Buildings - for a better environment and a brighter future          (Part -1)
  • Tangedco to inspect 75,000 disconnected LT connections
  • India’s peak power demand touched all time high of 200.57 GW on 7 July
  • Japan boosts renewable energy target for 2030 energy mix
  • Consumer Focus - Electricity Ombudsman Order 
  • ECC Voice - Success story

Plus Publications/Regulations:


E-bikes: Charging your bike


Using the battery's power after it has been fully charged will extend the battery's life. and frequent charging might shorten the battery's life

#ElectricVehicle #EBike #RenewableEnergy


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