Plastic Free July 2021 - Label Information
Not all brands provide complete recycling information as required by law on their products. #PlasticFreeJuly #PlasticPollution #zerowaste
Not all brands provide complete recycling information as required by law on their products. #PlasticFreeJuly #PlasticPollution #zerowaste
Products are required to have a recycling label on them. This helps consumers choose the most sustainable option as all plastics are not easily recyclable. #PlasticFreeJuly #PlasticPollution #zerowaste
Calling on companies to stop the false promises & false solutions NOW! Invest in sustainable alternatives which are reuseable, refillable, low in energy use, & non-toxic. #PlasticFreeJuly #PlasticPollution #EPR
Doomsday movies invariably are set in barren landscapes where nothing grows with the sun beating down mercilessly. I wonder when we have our Apocalypse, whether it might not be closer to the truth that these future humans will be struggling through a landscape piled high with plastics, so high that the actual earth is not visible.
Exhaust emissions from diesel vehicles are responsible for two thirds of #AirPollution related deaths in India. Even a small step like switching off the engine when the traffic light is red can help. #KnowYourAir #ClimateCrisis #RightToCleanAir
As per a study by @SwitchONIndia, socio economic markers like low income levels, formal education and lifestyle practices increased the incidence of #AirPollution related health issues. #KnowYourAir #ClimateCrisis #RightToCleanAir
Lower speed limits are a win-win for everyone. Demand lower speed limits. Sign this petition & share widely:
#roadsafety #saferoadsindia #love30 #streetsforlife
Shouldn't we be safe walking down the road? Demand lower speed limits. Sign this petition & share widely:
#roadsafety #saferoadsindia #love30 #streetsforlife
Safe streets are important for livelihoods. Demand lower speed limits. Sign this petition & share widely:
#roadsafety #saferoadsindia #love30 #streetsforlife