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World Food Safety Day

World Food Safety Day 2024


As consumers, it's our responsibility to stay informed and make conscious food choices. This #WorldFoodSafetyDay, let's pledge to prioritize safety over convenience and demand transparency from food companies. Because when it comes to food safety, it's better to be safe than sorry!


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உணவுகளில் கலப்படம்; பொய்யான விளம்பரங்கள்! பொதுமக்களின் வாழ்வோடு விளையாடலாமா?

  1. மசாலாவில் எதிலீன் ஆக்ஸைடு மாசு; குழந்தைகள் உணவில்  சர்க்கரை சேர்ப்பு; உணவில் அளவுக்கு மீறிய பூச்சிக்கொல்லிகளின் எச்சம்; காய்கறி மற்றும் பழங்களில் செயற்கை சாயம்;
  2. ரசாயனங்களைப் பயன்படுத்தி பழங்களைப் பழுக்க வைத்தல்; பால், நெய், தானியம், மசாலா, மஞ்சள் மற்றும் மிளகாய் தூள்  போன்ற அநேக உணவு பொருட்களில் கலப்படம்; மாறிவிட்ட உணவு கலாச்சாரம், உப்பு, சர்க்கரை, கொழுப்பு அதிகமுள்ள அதி பதப்படுத்தப்பட்ட (ultra-processed), பொட்டலப்படுத்தப்பட்ட (packaged) உணவுகளின் பெருக்கம்;

World Health Day 2023

This #WorldHealthDay2023, a message about why front of pack labels can save lives. As an epidemic of non communicable diseases sweep across the country, fuelled by unhealthy diets (among other reasons), we need labels that warn us of what we're actually consuming. Highly processed foods are high in sugar, salt and fat - and all of these ingredients are implicated in our rising deaths from preventable diseases.

World Food Safety Day 2022


Several countries around the world have managed to reduce their burden of NCD by using #WarningLabels on the front of packed foods. Packed foods are frequently high in undesirable nutrients. This #WorldFoodSafetyDay, we ask for warning labels that will let #consumers make safe, healthy choices about the foods that they eat.

consumer rights

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Food Safety - Eat Healthy, Fight COVID


Citizen consumer and civic Action Group (CAG) demands the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) to effectively notify the Front of Package Labels (FoPL) for packed food under the Food Safety and Standards (Labelling and Display) Regulations, 2018.#WorldFoodSafetyDay2021 

Food Safety

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Food Safety - Front of Package Labelling


Front of pack labelling and warning symbols can help with the reduction in consumption of high fat, salt and sugar foods which in turn helps in combating non-communicable diseases. These are currently killing over hal a million Indians each year. #WorldFoodSafetyDay2021


Food Safety

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World Food Safety Day 2021


Unhealthy diet is an easily preventable risk factor. Limit consumption of salt, sugar, saturated and trans fat as they increase the risk of  heart attack, stroke and hypertension. Packaged foods need front of pack labels warning consumers about high levels of these harmful substances. Consumers could then make healthier food choices. This World Food Safety Day, we demand FoPL regulations to be notified and executed effectively. 


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