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‘Castaway clothes and plastic’

A cycle and a loudspeaker accompany Ladoo as he makes his way around Chennai’s neighborhoods, gathering old clothes. He turns off his loudspeaker around certain homes. ‘They don’t like the noise’, he explains to me, as I stop him for a chat. Laddo has been in this business for twenty five years now. ‘In all this time, people have not changed’, he tells me philosophically. ‘Only my cycle and loudspeaker have’.

Plastic Free July 2022 - Quit sachets


Follow the #QuitSachet movement to find out how you can work towards corporate accountability and turn the tap off plastic production. And while we push Corporates towards change, there are some lifestyle changes you can make as an individual also. Try these suggestions and tell us how hard or easy these were. #PlasticFreeJuly


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Climate Change - Impact on Lightning frequency


According to a study by RMSI Pvt. Ltd., #ClimateChange induced temperature rise by 1 degree Celsius may lead to a rise in the frequency of lightning events by 12 %. This stresses the need for putting in place a warning system to help reduce fatalities to lightning. #ActOnClimate

climate change

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Plastic Free July 2022 - Three ways to sell sachets


Want to know why brands love selling us things in #sachets? It's a proven way of expanding their market into households which would otherwise find their products unaffordable. But of course, that's not what they tell us! #QuitSachets #PlasticFreeJuly


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Share Autos: making our cities more sustainable

Urbanization in India was at a high of 31.16% between 2001 and 2011 (Census of India, 2011). This rapid urbanization is reflected at the local level - Tamil Nadu is one of the most urbanized states with 44% of people living in cities like Chennai (Census of India, 2011). Unfortunately, this has also meant that cities have become very crowded, polluted spaces where everything is at a premium - education, housing, transport, food, water - the list goes on.

Sustainable Transport - Information on Public Transport


#Publictransport information is available online to help #passengers to plan & have a hassle-free journey. However, like Mina, many passengers find the information inadequate or find the website to be user unfriendly. Comment below and share what difficulties you have faced in accessing public transport information online.

road safety

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Road Safety - Two-wheeler driver fatalities


#Helmets save our heads! Wear one! #Seatbelts help in reducing severity of injuries in case of a crash. Buckle up!. Time for TN to #ImplementMVAA2019 which calls for increased fines as an deterrent.

#RoadSafety #RoadAccidents #StreetsforKids #SadakSurakshaJeevanRaksha

road safety

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Plastic Free July 2022 - Three ends where sachets meets


#QuitSachets this #July. Want to know why? The truth about sachet waste is that (if ever collected), they are merely burned in #incinerators or in waste-to-energy plants. (Companies and brands like to call this 'recycling'!) Burning plastic, even when done in state of the art facilities, is extremely risky to human health. #PlasticFreeJuly


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TANGEDCO - Minnagam Complaint numbers


Keep these numbers handy if you have #electricity related concerns, living in #TamilNadu.

தமிழ்நாட்டில் வசிக்கும் மக்களுக்கு மின்சாரம் தொடர்பாக உங்களுக்கு பிரச்சனைகள் இருந்தால் இந்த எண்களை கையில்சேமித்து வைத்துக் கொள்ளுங்கள். மின்சார வாரியத்திடம் புகாரளிக்க உதவும் எண்கள்.

#TANGEDCO #Minnagam #EB #Complaints


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