Road Safety - Drive slow on roads
Demand lower speed limits. Sign this petition: Life in the fast lane isn't safe!
#roadsafety #saferoadsindia #love30 #streetsforlife
Demand lower speed limits. Sign this petition: Life in the fast lane isn't safe!
#roadsafety #saferoadsindia #love30 #streetsforlife
Demand lower speed limits. Sign this petition:
Let's make our roads safe for young people!
#roadsafety #saferoadsindia #love30 #streetsforlife
Demand lower speed limits. Sign this petition:
Everytime we step out on the road we should be safe.
#roadsafety #saferoadsindia #love30 #streetsforlife
Citizen consumer and civic Action Group (CAG), in association with the Press Institute of India (PII), organized an online media workshop on March 26, 2021 to inform the media about the seriousness of trans fat issue, the regulations in place, the need for effective implementation of regulations and a change in cooking/eating habits. The speakers of the workshop included Dr Sumitra Shanmugham - senior medical practitioner, Ms. Rina Mukherji - senior journalist and Mr. Dhakshanamoorthy - senior reporter.
World Hypertension Day (WHD) is commemorated on May 17 every year, globally. WHD this year aims to promote the message of Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer.
Event Date
In Map
#SaveElectricity simply by turning off your #Computer when not in use!
#SaveElectricity by minimising the usage of #Kettle as per your need!
Join the Twitter chat on Speeding: How can the roads be made safer? hosted by @IncubatorGHAI
#roadsafety #saferoadsindia #love30 #streetsforlife
#SaveElectricity by switching off the plug points of electrical appliances when not in USE
#Electricity #Charger #MobilePhone #Sustainablity