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UMI - use of fuels

Although vehicles have advanced remarkably over the years, their fuel sources have not transformed to the same extent. Conventional fuels such as petroleum will soon be exhausted (which will be a good thing considering their contribution to global GHG emissions). Since these fuels are typically non-renewable, many people are concerned that the day will come when demand exceeds supply, leading to a substantial global crisis.

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Current News: Volume IX, Issue 10, October 2024


  • Electricity Tariff for common area facilities in residential buildings - Comparison (Part - 1)
  • Factors Influencing Electricity Prices in Tamil Nadu - (Part 3)
  • Solar scheme fails to shine in Tamil Nadu, only 18K applicants in six months
  • Cabinet approves India to Join International Energy Efficiency Hub by signing the Letter of Intent
  • US power system becomes more fossil-dependent than China's
  • Consumer Focus - Ombudsman Case

Plus Publications/Regulations:


Energy Efficiency


Are you planning to replace your music speaker? Here are some important factors to consider.
#electricity #saving #electricitybill #energy #power #electric #renewableenergy #solar #electronics #solarenergy #cleanenergy #technology #solarpower #solarpanels #greenenergy #energyefficiency #BEE #circulareconomy #music #speaker #songs #wires #cables

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UMI - use of fuels


Advancements in automotive technology have expanded our vehicle options, with fuel being a crucial component. We have moved on from steam and coal powered transport, to more efficient forms. But our journey towards clean, sustainable transport is still not where it should be. Fundamental to this is our reliance on private vehicles, and their contribution to carbon emissions. Yes, we still have a long way to go.

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Energy Efficiency


Are you planning to replace your music speaker? Here are some important factors to consider.
#electricity #saving #electricitybill #energy #power #electric #renewableenergy #solar #electronics #solarenergy #cleanenergy #technology #solarpower #solarpanels #greenenergy #energyefficiency #BEE #circulareconomy #music #speaker #songs #wires #cables

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Enhancing urban mobility

The emergence of smartphones has transformed public transportation in cities such as Chennai. Commuters now have access to various digital tools, such as the MTC’s Chennai Bus Application, to enhance their daily commutes. This report seeks to evaluate how effectively the MTC’s Chennai Bus Application supports its users in their everyday lives and to identify potential improvements for the future.

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