Letter to minister of social welfare seeking continuation of Midday Meal Scheme during Covid 19 pandemic
CAG wrote asking that the midday meal scheme be supplied to families even over the lockdown period when schools are not functionning.
CAG wrote asking that the midday meal scheme be supplied to families even over the lockdown period when schools are not functionning.
Being #NaturalBioengineers, turtles play an important role in the ecosystem by keeping the landscape healthy. India has 10% of the world’s 50 most threatened freshwater turtle species and immediate steps are required to safeguard these species from extinction. #WorldTurtleDay
The link between #biodiversityloss and #climatechange is well-established and both need to be tackled hand in hand by joined-up policies. This is only possible with very bold and very fast changes to the way we consume our resources.
#WorldBiodiversityDay #WeArePartOfTheSolution
#AirQualityIndex ranges from 0 to 500. In India, based on the air quality, there are six AQI categories, namely Good (0-50), Satisfactory (51-100), Moderate (101-200), Poor (201-300), Very Poor(301-400) and Severe(401-500)
#AirPollution #ClimateCrisis #RightToBreathe #BeAirAware #AQI
#AirQualityIndex is an index through which air quality is reported on a daily basis. Awareness of daily levels of #AirPollution is essential. You can use a range of websites, like www.aqi.in to know the AQI in your locality for the day.
#ClimateCrisis #RightToBreathe #BeAirAware #AQI
Demand lower speed limits. Sign this petition: http://chng.it/f577pPgL6z Let's make our roads safe for everyone!
#roadsafety #saferoadsindia #love30 #streetsforlife
Demand lower speed limits. Sign this petition: http://chng.it/f577pPgL6z. Life in the fast lane isn't safe!
#roadsafety #saferoadsindia #love30 #streetsforlife
Demand lower speed limits. Sign this petition: http://chng.it/f577pPgL6z
Let's make our roads safe for young people!
#roadsafety #saferoadsindia #love30 #streetsforlife
Demand lower speed limits. Sign this petition: http://chng.it/f577pPgL6z
Everytime we step out on the road we should be safe.
#roadsafety #saferoadsindia #love30 #streetsforlife
Citizen consumer and civic Action Group (CAG), in association with the Press Institute of India (PII), organized an online media workshop on March 26, 2021 to inform the media about the seriousness of trans fat issue, the regulations in place, the need for effective implementation of regulations and a change in cooking/eating habits. The speakers of the workshop included Dr Sumitra Shanmugham - senior medical practitioner, Ms. Rina Mukherji - senior journalist and Mr. Dhakshanamoorthy - senior reporter.