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TANGEDCO - Filing Complaints


Keep these numbers handy if you have #electricity related concerns, living in #TamilNadu.

தமிழ்நாட்டில் வசிக்கும் மக்களுக்கு மின்சாரம் தொடர்பாக உங்களுக்கு பிரச்சனைகள் இருந்தால் இந்த எண்களை கையில்சேமித்து வைத்துக் கொள்ளுங்கள். மின்சார வாரியத்திடம் புகாரளிக்க உதவும் எண்கள்.

#TANGEDCO #Minnagam #EB #Complaints


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Buckle Up! An assessment of helmet and seatbelt law compliance in Thiruvarur district

More than 50% of vehicle drivers in Thiruvarur district were found not adhering to the helmet and seatbelt laws, says a compliance audit conducted by CAG recently. With Tamil Nadu topping the charts for the highest number of annual road crashes consecutively for the fifth year in 2020, it is important to lookback, learn and redefine our road safety management practices. This study also recommends next steps for proactive enforcement and road safety management in districts of Tamil Nadu.

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Climate Change - Establishment of invasive species


#India has lost Rs. 8.3 trillion ($127.3 billion) in the previous 60 years due to invading alien species, making it the second most invasion-cost-bearing country after the United States, according to a report published at Springer Nature. #ClimateActionNow

climate change

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Sustainable Transport - Accessing public transport


How can we make our public transport, more people friendly? People new to the city, like Mina, rely on signages, maps and charts to guide them around a neighbourhood. Clear, consistent and timely information on routes, timings, fares and concessions, and stops will help create public confidence in accessing public transport networks.

#SustainableMobility #UrbanMobilityIndia #Chennai #OneCityForAll #InclusiveCities #Accessibility #ChennaiMetro #MTC #PublicTransport

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Road Safety - Chennai Traffic Police awareness on Honking


Reckless #honking even at signals is common on our roads. Honking doesn’t make your vehicle move faster; it frustrates the other road users. Kudos to the #GCTP for reminding drivers to maintain a safe & stress-free road environment for all. 

#RoadSafety #RoadAccidents #NoHonking #SadakSurakshaJeevanRaksha #Responsibility #Driving #Transportation #SaferRoadsTamilNadu #SaferDrivers #Chennai 

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