Coal Vs Your Health
According to the report, 'Coal Kills: Health Impacts of Air Pollution from India’s Coal Power Expansion' by Conservation Action Trust (India) and Urban Emissions (India), the #Coal power generation is the major cause of premature mortality and asthma attacks, and is considered as a huge threat to #PublicHealth in India.
Webinar on Unite to Demand Your Bus Ride
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COVID-19: Public Awareness Messages from CAG
CAG has been working on developing public awareness-building material both in protecting ourselves and others from COVID-19 and in pratising safety while carrying out digital transactions.
Consumer Update (May - June 2020)
Consumer Update, a bi-monthly e-newsletter, is aimed at educating and informing consumers on consumer issues and related happenings, including CAG's activities.
Coal vs Groundwater
Do you know that coal based power comes at great cost? These power plants are fast depleting our underground water resources. #SayNoToCoalMines. Lets conserve our water for better things.
Consultation: Strengthening Road Safety in Tamil Nadu
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Microplastics findings in Kodungaiyur
A study that analysed water samples from around the Kodungaiyur dumpyard seeking to answer the question of how much microplastics have leached into the neighbourhood water sources.