Marine geoengineering - not a quick fix for climate crisis
Part one of a three-part introductory series on the science of geoengineering that is being portrayed as a technological fix to counteract the pernicious effects of climate crisis.
Part one of a three-part introductory series on the science of geoengineering that is being portrayed as a technological fix to counteract the pernicious effects of climate crisis.
With emerging technological advances and increased dependency on electronic appliances, household energy consumption levels and demand for electricity have been steadily rising. Recently, Tamil Nadu recorded a peak demand of 16,151 MW during the month of April 2019.
The Solar Policy 2019 sets an ambitious target together with several enabling provisions - but do these provisions go far enough?
A report on the Human Rights Impact Assessment project in Kodungaiyur, which examines the human rights impact of businesses through the lens of waste.
An investigation into the set up of ITPCL's thermal power plant in Cuddalore district and the impact felt by the local communities.
The media helps in disseminating information to the public; and how well informed has the public been kept on its rights to health?
CAG, represented by S. Saroja, has been elected to the CI Council in the General Assembly held in Estoril, Portugal in May 2019. Saroja was the consensus candidate from India, which has a representation of 8 full members in CI. CI is headquartered in London and is the world federation of consumer groups that serves as the only independent and authoritative global voice for consumers, having over 240 member organisations in 120 countries.
The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill is key to containing the 1.5 lakh road fatalities each year - but will it ever see the light of day?
Plus Publications/Regulations:
Consumer Update, a bi-monthly e-newsletter, is aimed at educating and informing consumers on consumer issues and related happenings, including CAG's activities.