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The scorching sands of Dubai experienced a slight respite as the all-important climate summit that defines the future of our planet came to a close, leaving behind a mixed bag of accomplishments and unmet pledges.
Imagine it’s a cosy Sunday and you are waking up late after a well-deserved sleep-in. You don’t feel like cooking and you remember that you still have plenty of leftovers from ordering in on Saturday night.
A laissez-faire attitude towards safety could be said to be a defining Indian characteristic. Everytime we step out of our house, whether we are walking or driving a vehicle, we risk our lives and often the lives of other people on the road.
Hypertension, a non-communicable disease (NCD), rightly termed as a ‘silent killer’, is a leading cause of serious health conditions like kidney disease, heart disease and
Asian economies account for 75% of the world's carbon dioxide emissions, which is approximately 795 million tonnes. Out of this, India emits about 291 million tonnes, constituting 36% of the total emissions from Asia.
In previous editions of the blog, competition law and its implementation in India was discussed in detail.
The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC), under the United Nations Environment Programme, met in Nairobi on November 13-19 for its third round of negotiations to develop an international legally binding instrument to end 
In the grand theatre of Earth's ever-evolving climate drama, the protagonists are undoubtedly the adaptable ones.  They are expected to be chameleons who skillfully adjust their hues to harmonise with the ever-shifting backdrop.
Few have tried to understand the significance of the free bus travel scheme that a handful of states have introduced. In Tamil Nadu the benefits for women have been definite and palpable, though issues like poor frequency of women-only buses need to be addressed.
November 14, World Diabetes Day, provides an opportunity to raise awareness on the metabolic disorder as a global public health issue.