Natural ventilation for your home
It is possible to reduce your fan and AC usage if you design your house to enhance natural ventilation. Learn how. These posters are free to download and distribute under creative commons license.
It is possible to reduce your fan and AC usage if you design your house to enhance natural ventilation. Learn how. These posters are free to download and distribute under creative commons license.
Upgrading your roof can massively bring down the temperature in your home. Check out this poster to find simple measures to make your roof a "cool" one! These posters are free to download and distribute under creative commons license.
By 2030, electric vehicles (EVs) are set to lead the demand on India's power grid. However, peak-hour charging of EVs can create pressure on the grid, risking power outages and reduced charging efficiency. Hence, upgrading the grid to support the demand from EVs and shifting to renewable energy is crucial to make it truly sustainable.
Citizen consumer and civic Action Group (CAG) along with the P.G. Department of Environmental Law and Legal Order, Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University (TNDALU) organised the second fortnightly interactive discussion session at the School of Excellence in Law Campus, Chennai on October 11th, 2023.
World Standards Day is a day to honour the scientific community that helps standardise measures. Standardised measures lie at the heart of consumer protection, a fair and just economy and sustainability. In India, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is the National Standards Body, and it's stamp of quality approval is the ISI mark. Look for this on your purchases.
The Energy Law and Policy Study Circle is designed to nurture and empower thinkers from various law schools to contribute towards some of the nation’s most pressing issues within the electricity sector and from the grassroot levels of their own districts.
The electricity sector is regulated through Central and State legislations. However, electricity laws are seen as a niche sector and have not entered mainstream study of law. If current legislative frameworks are to align with consumption of electricity and environmental protection goals, we need to develop a generation of law professionals who will have a deeper understanding of the technological, legal and economic factors involved in electricity production and consumption. Energy law and policy are not part of the current law school curriculum primarily because of a lack of experts to teach the subject. The level of research in this field is also at a nascent stage which further thwarts its presence as a full blown subject within the law curriculum. If we are to foster young minds to understand energy laws and equip them to support the reformative growth of the sector, along with providing holistic skills to address the larger challenges of the future of energy, there is a necessity to upskill law graduates. A vital first step will be to equip students of law with knowledge of the legal framework, and analytical skills to understand various aspects of energy governance such as the socio-economics of electricity, the equitable distribution of power and policies for switching to renewable energy sources.
As per a report published in Nature, only 1% of amphibian species faced Climate Change as their primary threat between 1980 & 2004. However, after 2004, this figure jumped to 39% due to the escalating impact of climate change, raising significant concerns.
Here's some commonsense advice on how to stay safe when navigating around potholes on roads. Lurking under the surface water can be concealed potholes, new potholes and potholes that are deeper than you think they might be. Stay vigilant. Be safe.
As EVs are promoted as green alternatives, we are likely to see an increase in the number of private electric vehicles. This is certainly not a development towards sustainable transport, as our road congestion and road crashes rates will remain unchanged. These will then impact on meeting our city's long-term mobility goals. In addition, EV charging stations will also occupy valuable public spaces. The conversation around the promotion of EVs needs to consider and actively address these factors.
A handout created for children to mark Green Action Week 2023. The handout teaches children about what is wrong with single-use plastic, and how they can take simple steps to reduce the use of plastic in their daily lives. This handout is free to download and distribute under the Creative Commons license.