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Survey questionnaire for street vendors about reusing of cooking oil


This survey was conducted by CAG in November 2021 to understand the practice of re-use of cooking oil among street vendors in Tamil Nadu.

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Climate Change - Impact in India 2021


#India is vulnerable to #ClimateChange because of its various ecologies which include rivers, coasts, mountains, deserts, semi-arid regions. Extreme climatic events is destroying the lives & livelihoods of millions. The human cost is too high to even estimate. #ClimateActionNow

climate change

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Sustainable Transport - Chennai Metro Feeder service


Did you know you can now travel to Chennai suburbs with MTC's feeder services from 4 Chennai metro stations! All the more reasons to reduce dependence on personal vehicles.

#sustainablemobility #urbanmobilityindia

road safety

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Road Safety - Road Fatalities in Tamil Nadu


In addition to introspecting the existing speed limits and the quality of road infrastructure in State Highways, strengthened enforcement for speeding violations will help reduce road crashes.

#StreetsForLife #RoadSafetyAuthority #RoadSafety #SafeRoadsTamilNadu #ImplementMVAA

road safety

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Climate Change - Impact on food security in India


Irregular monsoon pattern in #India due to #ClimateChange is causing agricultural land to shrink & the available land might also become unsuitable for the present crops. This affects the purchasing power & livelihood of rural poor causing #Food insecurity of the vulnerable groups.


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Road Safety - Good Samaritan Law


Following the schemes by the Tamil Nadu State government to offer seamless Emergency Medical Care in case of road crashes we encourage the state to avail the Good Samaritan scheme to reinforce these efforts.

#StreetsForLife #RoadSafetyAuthority #RoadSafety #SafeRoadsTamilNadu 

road safety

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International Volunteers Day 2021


A big honour and thankyou to all the volunteers who actively strive to promote #roadsafety and save precious lives. Let us defeat the bystander effect and volunteer to help, today. 

#StreetsForLife #CommitToAct #SafeRoadsTamilNadu 

road safety

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World Soil Day 2021


As per FAO, management of #SoilSalinization & #Sodification are crucial to soil health, agricultural productivity and biodiversity. #Sustainable agricultural practice is the key to improve #FoodSecurity around the globe. This #WorldSoilDay let us pledge to halt soil salinization.

World Soil Day

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