Road Safety - Sign the Petition for 30kmph
Demand lower speed limits. Sign this petition & share widely:
#roadsafety #saferoadsindia #love30 #streetsforlife
Demand lower speed limits. Sign this petition & share widely:
#roadsafety #saferoadsindia #love30 #streetsforlife
Your neighbourhood likely has some hidden gems. Perhaps an interesting monument or a quirky shop or a lovely tree that you've never noticed as you whizzed past in your car. Take the opportunity to smell the roses!
Please join to commemorate #WorldEnvironmentDay 2021. A discussion on "Understanding Climate Action in the Indian context". Register here:
#ClimateChange #Environment
#AQI is calculated on the presence of eight major chemical pollutants which are known to be most harmful to human health.
#AirPollutionkills #ClimateCrisis #RightToCleanAir #KnowYourAir #BeAirAware
It is wiser to choose healthier cooking methods such as broiling, grilling, roasting, and steaming.
Check nutritional facts on food labels and ensure 0% trans fat for consumption.
Avoid shop bought, baked/ fried/frozen foods as they contain high amounts of trans fat.
Include nuts, fruits and vegetables into the daily routine. Vegetables in the form of salads will be an interesting option for kids.
Plastic Waste Management rules mandates manufacturers to provide recycling information. Read the report here:
#Sustainablity #Consumer #Plastics #ZeroWaste #Recycle #Packaging
The consumer lens on packaging' study by Consumers International has shed light on whether manufacturers give consumers the information they need to make sustainable choices when shopping. Read the report here: