Press Release: Making electricity bills consumer-friendly: A Tamil Nadu case study
CAG, in partnership with Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW), and supported by Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation has conducted a study on using the electricity bill as an enabling mechanism to improve information disclosure and promote greater public participation in the electricity sector. This Tamil Nadu Case Study captures consumers’ perception of electricity bill formats, awareness of bill elements and their expectations from a model bill, and in-turn recommends redesigning of Tamil Nadu’s electricity bill format based on consumer feedback
This happened a few years ago. I had had a fever all day and had barely eaten. I had to go out for some reason even though I was feeling quite weak and ill. I was attempting to cross the road and was halfway across, when I saw a bike approaching me at some speed.
In August 2020, just after the lock down was lifted I was travelling on my bike at around 6’o clock in the morning. A water tanker lorry had just passed ahead of me, leaking water. Oblivious to the water present on the road I was travelling at 40 kmph. A car ahead of me braked hard to avoid hitting a vehicle that stopped abruptly ahead of him.
I was waiting at the road intersection for the signal to go green. A couple of two wheeler riders were also waiting at the intersection.
Let us exercise our rights as consumers to move towards sustainable lifestyles. #noplasticpollution is do-able if we work together.
Being old school can be a good thing! Maintain your possessions well and repair them instead of replacing them.
#SustainableConsumer #NoPlasticPollution #WorldConsumerRightsDay
Reduce, reuse, and when thats not possible, recycle your plastics! Check with your local scrap shop to know what kinds of plastic he will take.
#SustainableConsumer #NoPlasticPollution #WorldConsumerRightsDay