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pedestrian safety

Sustainable Transport- Meme


Have you struggled to cross the road, with vehicles stopped right on the zebra crossing? Motorists, waiting behind the white line means pedestrians can cross quicker, which is not only courteous to them, but it will eventually reduce waiting times. The road is a shared space; it's not just for motor vehicles.


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From bazaar to building

The Pedestrian Plaza project in Pondy Bazaar, under the Chennai Smart City Initiative aimed to create pedestrian-friendly spaces by relocating street vendors to a dedicated complex. CAG’s study, surveying 350 customers and 170 vendors, found that 94% of vendors reported changes in their income post-relocation, with 64% experiencing an increase. Among customers, 71% viewed the relocation positively, while 29% indicated they missed the street shopping experience.

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Sustainable Transport- Pondy Bazar


After Pondy Bazaar was renovated, the Pondy Bazaar road transformed into a one-way street, with wide pavements and more restrictive vehicular movement. Do you believe this change has been effective in traffic management and reducing vehicle congestion? Share your thoughts in the comment section below. 


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Sustainable Transport - Prior information on road closures


Timely communication of blocked or diverted routes is crucial. While this is needed for all road users, even motorists, pedestrians are particularly looking for ways to shorten their journeys. Ensuring that information is disseminated well in advance, allows pedestrians to plan their journeys and use their time efficiently. 

road safety

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Voices of Pedestrians: National Pedestrians’ Conference

Bipedalism (standing upright on two feet) is considered the crucial marker of human evolution. Walking, whether on a pilgrimage or as a mode of protest (think Dandi or Selma), is invested with significance, with an aura, a purpose. The effort, the impetus behind walking, the motivation that propels these walks are recognised as something special.

National Pedestrians Day campaign at colleges

In the global context, nations are striving to protect pedestrians and treat their needs with the highest priority. In India, cities have mostly been planned to accommodate the needs of vehicular traffic and have often ignored the needs of pedestrians. This has only resulted in causing a steady increase in pedestrian fatalities over the years. The Road Accident Report by the Union Transport Ministry states that the number of pedestrians killed on the road from 2014 to 2018 has increased by 84 per cent.

Pedestrians set to reclaim the streets

Go to any road or street in any of the rush hour Indian metropolises, there is an ubiquitous scene playing on these roads—encroached footpaths forcing pedestrians to walk on the streets. When pedestrians are forced to walk on the streets that are filled with motorists with poor road discipline and lack of awareness that pedestrians have the right of way, it’s a dangerous combination. But what have been the costs of this precarious situation that has been playing out on our roads every single day?