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Road Safety - Online ISI verification


A genuine safe #helmet carries a non-removable laminated #ISI mark & a manufacturer's code on it. One can check the authenticity of the ISI certification online by visiting the BIS portal via  

#RoadSafety #AzadiKaAmritMahotsav #SadakSurakshaJeevanRaksha

road safety

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Climate Change - Violence against women


As per UN Environment Programme, 80% of people displaced by #ClimateChange are women & girls. We need to empower women for disaster preparedness & provide alternative means of livelihood in the wake of a #ClimateCrisis to protect them from #GenderBasedViolence. 

climate change

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CSR funding/activities of TPPs in Tamil Nadu - survey questionnaire


This survey questionnaire was used to obtain data for the CSR funds utilisation and human rights adherence by industries study conducted in Tamil Nadu.

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Sriram Radhakrishnan


Sriram works as an office assistant and helps with the day-to-day activities of CAG's operations. He holds a diploma degree in civil engineering. He is multi-talented with prior experience working as a site engineer and supervising the electrical department in constructions. In CAG, Sriram administers the front office tasks and takes care of housekeeping and maintenance. He also worked with the Urban Governance team, supporting them as a community organiser. 



Office Assistant

Know Your Rights - Passenger Charter


There is power in knowing your rights & responsibilities as a consumer. We will be breaking these down for you, in this series. Today, we look at your right as a flight passenger.

To know more:

#ConsumerProtection #ConsumerRights



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Sustainable Transport - Amsterdam street safety movement


Did you know? In Amsterdam, in the early 1970s, the "Stop Murdering Children" street safety movement was instrumental in reducing traffic-related deaths & injuries, especially among children. Local streets were redesigned to make streets safer for walking & cycling. Our streets also need to be made safer for children. We need to rethink & redesign our streets for people, not vehicles.

#SustainableMobility #UrbanMobilityIndia #OneCityForAll #InclusiveCities #StreetsForLife #Pedestrians #CUMTA

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Road Safety - Fake vs Genuine Helmets


MoRTH's quality control order on protective helmet for two-wheeler riders, 2020 mandating the standard ISI mark has been effective since March 2021. Beware, the manufacturer & the rider will be penalised for fake, substandard #helmets.

#RoadSafety #RoadAccidents #StreetsforKids #SadakSurakshaJeevanRaksha #Responsibility #Travel  #Driving #Transportation #SaferRoadsTamilNadu #SaferDrivers #RoadRules 

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Current News: Volume VII, Issue 7, July 2022


  • “Terms and conditions” that electricity consumers need to understand (Part-2)
  • Voltage Stabilisers
  • Significance of TN’s power tariff hike 
  • Government implements Suryamitra Skill Development Programme to boost Green jobs 
  • Ireland sets targets to halve greenhouse emissions
  • Consumer Focus - Electricity Ombudsman Order 
  • ECC Voice - Success story

Plus Publications/Regulations:


Plastic Free July 2022 - Global Plastics Treaty


The UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) announced in March 2022 that it is developing the legally binding Global Plastics Treaty. The Treaty will take a full lifecycle view  of plastic, from its production, to design and disposal. A historic and promising resolution!

#QuitsSachets #PlasticFreeJuly #SingleUsePlasticBan #PlasticBan


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