A household consumer's workbook on electricity charges
This workbook illustrates how household consumers are charged for their electricity consumption and how this differs across various tariff slab rates.
This workbook illustrates how household consumers are charged for their electricity consumption and how this differs across various tariff slab rates.
The vision for the Zero Waste City Initiative is to minimise the movement of solid waste to disposal sites or facilities. This manual presents a practicable plan for municipalities to process waste in-situ and within wards, aggregate recyclables and domestic hazardous waste at the zone level, and leverage the private formal and informal waste networks that already thrive in all Indian cities.
In an attempt to promote sustainability, the concept of reuse/recycle, select women from a chosen community were trained on the making of paper covers using old newspapers/used papers. Two puppet show videos on the topics “Share and care” and “Think Green: Reuse and Recycle” were made to educate a wider population on the importance of sharing of resources and the benefits of reusing and recycling of materials that will go a long way in safe guarding the environment. The videos of the puppet show were launched during the Green Action Week. During the Green Action Week, a webinar was also organised to educate consumers, especially the younger generation, on the concept of sharing and sustainable consumption (the concepts of reuse, repair, recycle, rethink, refuse, reduce) – all the videos were played and the work done by the community women were showcased.
Consumer Update, a bi-monthly e-newsletter, is aimed at educating and informing consumers on consumer issues and related happenings, including CAG's activities.
Low cost per unit generation, less GHG emissions and high energy potential makes solar power a clean and environmentally friendly alternative to coal. We have the solutions, let's use them.
Draft Plastic Waste Management By-laws, 2019, Greater Chennai Corporation
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