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Indoor Air Pollution - Pollutants in roof shields


Did you know? Asbestos, commonly used in roofing sheets and insulation linings causes serious health hazards. The only solution is that the usage of such products should gradually be minimized and ended. #AirPollution #RightToCleanAir #KnowYourAir 

Air Quality

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Indoor Air Pollution - Radon


Did you know? Radon is a toxic radioactive gas found underground that can enter your house through indoor vents and cracks on walls. Sealing & caulking the cracks can reduce radon gas entry into the home. #AirPollution #RightToCleanAir #KnowYourAir 

Air Quality

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Decommissioning of coal based thermal power plants - a baseline study report

As of today, India has 35,949 MW of power plant infrastructure that is more than 25-years-old and are bound to be decommissioned in the near future. Thus, each Indian state needs an action plan for the decommissioning of a thermal power plant. This report is a baseline study that guides to design a localised statutory framework to minimise the impact of the decommissioning process on surrounding communities & the environment.


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Road Safety - Road user behaviour


The Motor Vehicles Amendment Act 2019 aims to improve road safety by changing road user behaviour through increased penalties and strict punishments. Implementation of the law will compel drivers to be more alert and mindful on Indian roads.

#MVAA #ImplementMVAA #SafeRoadsIndia #RoadSafety

road safety

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International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies


It is estimated that 92% of the global population is exposed to #AirPollution putting them at further risk of many diseases including #Covid19. The main culprit is burning of #fossilfuels. A green, inclusive recovery is the only way forward #InternationalDayOfCleanAirForBlueSkies



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Air Quality - Pollutants in paints


Did you know? Exposure to #VolatileOrganicCompounds(VOC) present in paints & other chemicals have serious health hazards. Ensure that there is adequate ventilation while painting or remodeling your house. #AirPollution #RightToCleanAir #KnowYourAir 

Air Quality

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