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Front of Pack Labelling in India

Globally, unhealthy diets are the main reason for the increase in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) like cardiovascular disease, obesity,  diabetes and the like, resulting in innumerable deaths year after year. Varieties of processed and ultra-processed foods, which contain trans fats, high salt, sugar, saturated fats, and refined carbohydrates, are  available in the market making it  hard for consumers to identify and select the ones that are nutritious.

St(o)ppwatch - June 2021

Act NOW or India may lose 3-10% GDP annually by 2100 due to climate change! This edition of St(o)ppwatch brings you news on companies’ 'net-zero' claims that they use to carry on polluting, the importance of women in renewable energy and much more


Air Quality - Harmful diseases


According to #AirQualityLifeIndex, #AirPollution caused by PM2.5 and PM10 is more devastating than communicable diseases like tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, cigarette smoking and even war. #KnowYourAir #ClimateCrisis #RightToCleanAir 

Air Quality

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