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Social Media Poster: World Food Day 2021


Increased consumption of processed and ultra-processed food prompts the need for Front of Pack Labelling. This will help consumers make informed choices and thus reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases.



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Climate Change - Greenhouse gasses


#Greenhouse gases (GHG) like Carbon dioxide, Methane, Nitrous oxide etc. are mainly responsible for warming the planet as it absorbs the heat radiated from the sun and traps it in the atmosphere. Increasing concentrations of GHG in the atmosphere exacerbates #ClimateChange.

cimate change

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Climate Change - Global warming


Everyone talks about #ClimateChange. But do we really know what it means? Please follow this space to know about its basics. Making climate change a dining room conversation is vital to voice our opinion and bring the change we want to see. #ActOnClimate 

cimate change

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Road Safety - Media Coverage


Pressing road safety issues, enforcement challenges, positive impacts of efforts taken so far and key focus areas for the future were discussed with support from the public and the district level authorities. The webinar received good coverage by the media. To know more:

road safety

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Indoor Air Pollution - Particulate Matter


Did you know? #ParticulateMatter, commonly known as dust is a major source of indoor pollution as well. Keeping surfaces in your home clean and uncluttered along with vacuuming regularly can help. #AirPollution #RightToCleanAir #KnowYourAir

Air Quality

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