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World Health Day 2022


A recent study reveals that unhealthy food intake among Indians is on the rise -  mainly because of easy accessibility and affordability. The evidence is rolling in that our non-communicable diseases epidemic is led by our over-consumption of these #processed foods. This #WorldHealthDay, we ask for Front of Pack Warning Labels to help contain our reliance on unhealthy foods.

#FoodLabelsSaveLives #KnowWhatYouEat #GlobalHealth #SwasthBharat #HealthyIndia #WarningLabels #HealthForAll #AzadiKaAmritMahotsav #JagoGrahakJago #ConsumerProtection

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Energy Clubs - An Electricity Consumer Cells Initiative

Energy clubs, an initiative of CAG’s Electricity Consumer Cells (ECC), were launched in June 2021, in five schools across three districts in Tamil Nadu - Trichy, Vellore & Tirunelveli. The central objective of the ‘Energy Club’ is to educate, encourage and enable young adults to save energy so that the ongoing energy crisis can be addressed.

Voices of Pedestrians: National Pedestrians’ Conference

Bipedalism (standing upright on two feet) is considered the crucial marker of human evolution. Walking, whether on a pilgrimage or as a mode of protest (think Dandi or Selma), is invested with significance, with an aura, a purpose. The effort, the impetus behind walking, the motivation that propels these walks are recognised as something special.

Is India’s clean energy transition happening fast enough?

In the battle against climate change, India's pledge at the 26th Conference of Parties (COP26), mainly revolved around phasing down fossil fuels and embracing renewable energy. The five climate-related ambitious goals that were set by India in stipulation to the 2015, Paris agreement, which is also coined “the Panchamrita” basically are; 

Current News: Volume VII, Issue 3, March 2022


  • Energy Access and Gender roles (Part-4)
  • All you need to know about electricity safety regulations (Part-4)
  • Net Feed-in Methodology Approved for Solar Projects of 1 MW and Above in Tamil Nadu
  • India targets 85% of energy needs from green sources
  • Demand for PV storage systems in Germany rises amid energy crisis 
  • Consumer Focus - Electricity Ombudsman Order 
  • ECC Voice - Success story

Plus Publications/Regulations:


Road Safety - Road Discipline


Motorists not only need to know the road rules but also understand the logic and rationale behind them. Follow our series on #driving discipline to know more. #RoadSafety #RoadAccidents #StreetsforKids #SadakSurakshaJeevanRaksha #Responsibility #Travel #Driving #Transportation #SaferRoadsTamilNadu #SaferDrivers #RoadRules

road safety

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Survey questionnaire on public perception of packaged food products in Karnataka


This survey questionnaire was used to obtain data for the Consumers and parents perspectives about the packaged food products study conducted in Karnataka.

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A study on the usage, consumption, and awareness of reused cooking oils among street vendors in Tamil Nadu

CAG's findings on how prevalent the practice of buying used cooking oil among street food vendors is, contradicts observations reported by the media and experts in the Food Safety Department, Media, and Food/ Oil Industry. Read our report to know why this aspect of public health needs to be monitored more closely.

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Climate Change - Impact on extreme heat changes in Arctic and Antarctic regions


Scientists are baffled by the abnormal warming of Earths poles in recent times. These are ominous signs of what the future beholds. We have a narrow window of time to avoid very costly, catastrophic and irreversible climate impacts #ClimateChange #ActOnClimate

climate change

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